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Dunham PTO Needs You!!

I know that PTO can sound scary, I thought so at first. But I have come to find out it has been quite easy and fun to help.  All that was really asked of me was just to offer my time.  This year we will have to be creative. Distance learning has changed everything but we still want the kids at Dunham to know that we are still here for them and want to make this year as special as we can even from a distance.  We are still the Dunham Family.

We acknowledge that this year will look a lot different for all our children, that we will have to modify the events to fit safety standards. Therefore, we will need your help even more this year.  Having to come up with new and creative ways to keep our children in a positive head space about our school and our community.  New and creative ways to fundraise for our school, from a distance yet still together.   

You can sign up ONLINE for the PTO right here! By signing up you will receive updates on events and what our plan is for the year to keep Dunham the amazing little country school we all know and love.  Also look at our Shutterfly, and Facebook for PTO updates.

Thank you, Stay Safe,

Renae Wofford, PTO Vice President

[email protected]

Fill out our form below to let us know how you would like to help.

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